Saturday, March 31, 2012

Finalista de Miss Universe Canada, Jenna Talackova, Descualificada del Concurso

Podríamos pelear y achacar esto a discriminación y (o) a que simplemente el mundo no esta listo para una Miss Universe trans? Realmente estamos tan sorprendidos sobre esta determinación de parte de una organización que año tras año nos trae de los eventos mas machistas que existen en la TV hoy día todavía?

El primer articulo, incluye video de Jenna.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

La definición de la palabra

El epítome del andrógino. Si no sabes quien es Andrej Pejic, TIENES que visitar estas páginas. Me encanta. <3

Buen articulo sobre la controversia que ha causado Andrej en la industria:

Triste Historia de Daniel Zamudio

Es tan triste ver el desenlace de estos tipos de noticias e historias que de seguro ocurren mas frecuentemente de lo que pensamos alrededor del mundo. Aquí los links hacia el progreso del caso de Daniel Zamudio y la mas reciente noticia, confirmando su muerte.

Dave Chappelle's Take on Gay Culture

Un gran interés mio para esta página es incluir videos sobre como las personas LGBT son representadas en el "media" que usualmente frecuento, ya sean websites, peliculas o programas de TV, especialmente de comedia. Tan frecuentemente son punto de burla y se crean personalidades exageradas de los "cliches" sobre lo que es ser gay. Instantaneamente pensé en si uno de mis comediantes favoritos, Dave Chappelle, había hecho alguna vez un "sketch" en su difunto programa en Comedy Central sobre los gays, pues no recordaba particularmente ninguno. Encontré este clip sobre un sketch que nunca salio al aire pues fue "muy controversial" para enseñarlo, con la propia explicación de Dave sobre cada escena. El tema es como serían los EU si los gays fueran la mayoría. Es interesante ver la reacción de él mismo, de la audiencia, además de los mensajes y chistes que se hacen en si en cada corto.

Complicado Caso de Custodia entre Dos Lesbianas

Un tema que siempre nos a resultado muy importante entre los debates sobre los derechos de las personas LGBT ha sido el de las custodias cuando tienen hijos y deciden separarse, ya que no se les reconoce los mismos derechos que si fuera una pareja heterosexual. Leí este articulo hace unas semanas y me pareció muy interesante. Otro articulo sobre la misma pareja en The New American entra en más profundidad sobre el problema legal en los E.U. Esto me llevó a buscar otros artículos sobre otros casos que han cogido notoriedad recientemente sobre el debate. A continuación los links a estos artículos.

Otros casos:

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Valentine's Day: The Need for Diversity


I had never been so conscious about how much a holiday like Valentine's Day is concentrated on heterosexuality and the need for diversity when celebrating events focused on couples and family until now, when this year my college threw an event promoting just that.

From the article in El Nuevo Dia:
"El portavoz del Comité Contra la Homofobia, Omar Ayala, explicó que este evento procura visibilizar la diversidad de amores y cambiar la mirada que se hace del Día de Los Enamorados, que solo fomenta el amor heterosexual."

Next year we should all take a part in showing support for all couples, from all walks of life. If you live in PR, did you attend the event? Do you support the development of more events from this nature?

Link to the news articles:
 El Nuevo Dia

Court Strikes Down Ban on Gay Marriage in California

I remember when in the States the debate on Proposition 8 was raging, that it even translated here in the island, and seeing gay flags with NO PROP 8 on apartment windows around the San Juan/Condado area got me so excited that we were becoming a part of the fight against inequality.

That's why I got so happy when a friend sent me this next article, which I want to share with you.
From the New York Times:

A small victory within so many more that need to be had.

Saying its a Choice, a Crime for the Community

A huge debate among activists has been their need to grasp on to the ideal that being gay is not a choice in order to support their defense. That would explain why we saw so much controversy when Sex and the City actress, Cynthia Nixon stepped out and said that to her being gay was a choice.
Immediately we saw the backlash [via Msnbc]:

"Her statement hasn't gone over well with gay activists. Writing in AMERICAblog Gay, John Aravosis says that Nixon, who had a long relationship with a man that produced two children before coming out as gay in 2004, is actually bisexual. "She needs to learn how to choose her words better, because she just fell into a right-wing trap, willingly," he writes, "When the religious right says it's a choice, they mean you quite literally choose your sexual orientation, you can change it at will, and that's bull."
He went on to say, "Every religious right hatemonger is now going to quote this woman every single time they want to deny us our civil rights."
I understand the negative reaction the community had to her statements, but to me to each person is different and their situations and reality is unique so when we are judging, aren't we doing the same thing we're fighting against?

FCKH8 Campaign's Funny but Oh So True Videos

From a while back I stumbled upon these videos from the FCKH8 campaign and I've never forgotten them and their in-your-face nature. The FCKH8 website was created by non-profit media campaigner Luke Montgomery, fierce public supporter of gay marriage rights. Back when he was a teen, Luke was the headline-making gay activist who legally changed his last name to Sissyfag, in an effort to make a point about discrimination against gays and lesbians.

They have pushed out videos promoting their swag in order to raise money for the cause, for over a year, but I recently saw one with an ending that in between all the usual cursing and imagery really shocked me. You'll see they made two very young boys kiss at the end of the Top 5 Reasons to Ban Gay Marriage video. Is this pushing the envelope too much? How do you feel when you see their videos? I love the sarcastic nature of both their Top 5 Reasons videos, but when are their tactics considered too much?

Direct link to the Top 5 Reasons to Ban Gay Marriage video on YouTube channel:
(You can check out their other videos there).

Mayor of San Juan to inaugurate Hate Crimes Unit - finally!?

To start our blog, kicking off with some "good news" for gay rights in PR published on February 6th, 2012. Surprising to me that in PR the government has taken so long to actually form a Hate Crimes Unit for the police.