Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Saying its a Choice, a Crime for the Community

A huge debate among activists has been their need to grasp on to the ideal that being gay is not a choice in order to support their defense. That would explain why we saw so much controversy when Sex and the City actress, Cynthia Nixon stepped out and said that to her being gay was a choice.
Immediately we saw the backlash [via Msnbc]:

"Her statement hasn't gone over well with gay activists. Writing in AMERICAblog Gay, John Aravosis says that Nixon, who had a long relationship with a man that produced two children before coming out as gay in 2004, is actually bisexual. "She needs to learn how to choose her words better, because she just fell into a right-wing trap, willingly," he writes, "When the religious right says it's a choice, they mean you quite literally choose your sexual orientation, you can change it at will, and that's bull."
He went on to say, "Every religious right hatemonger is now going to quote this woman every single time they want to deny us our civil rights."
I understand the negative reaction the community had to her statements, but to me to each person is different and their situations and reality is unique so when we are judging, aren't we doing the same thing we're fighting against?

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